Adult Choir

The Adult Choir will begin rehearsals for the Fall 2022 season on Tuesday, September 13 at 7:30PM in the Church. New and returning members (men and women of high school age and up) are most welcome. The Adult Choir sings most Sundays at the 11:00AM Mass, and on Feast Days and for other special programs throughout the year, from October-June. No previous experience is re- quired, and you do NOT need to know how to “read music” in order to join—only the ability to “carry a tune” and the willingness to come to rehearsal on a regular basis. For more information, please contact the Director, Bart Haggerty, via e-mail at, by calling the Rectory office, or stop up to the Choir Loft and introduce yourself before or after any of the Sunday Masses.

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